
Hi everyone! My name is Dani and this is my home fragrance brand, Dani Ledo.

As some of you may know, the last few years have been an absolute whirlwind. I started my business on the 15th August 2017 and slowly saw my little business begin to grow.

In January 2020 my boyfriend Jake and I moved in together and it wasn't long before lockdown hit. Luckily I was still able to continue with my deliveries and being able to chat to you all honestly made that time so much happier for me. Seeing your smiling faces as I pulled up in my rickety little van "Pat" put a smile on my face every day, especially if it meant that you were able to still get a present to a loved one that you couldn't deliver to yourself.

In August 2020 we gained a new family member and adopted our first dog Penny, she became a prominent member of the Dani Ledo team and joined me on all of my delivery outings.

Then came January 2021 when we decided to make the move to Cornwall. It had always been a thought in our heads and we decided that if we never tried, we'd never know, so we packed up all of our things, hopped on the Ferry and made our way to Cornwall. I continued to run my business and will forever be grateful for the continued support I received, even though I wasn't a local business anymore. We bought a house and renovated it ourselves from top to bottom, including new electrics, new plumbing and basically everything else other than the solid stone walls and the roof! After living in Cornwall for 18 months, we decided that it wasn't the place for us and thought we'd try city life, so that's when we moved to Brighton (after a brief and very random 6 months in Chichester!)

Over the next 18 months in Brighton we enjoyed all that city life has to offer like Deliveroo, Uber, trains directly to London and the amazing variety of food! But once again, we found ourselves feeling like it wasn't 'home' and went on the look for the place that did. We considered places all over the UK, but every time we thought we'd found the perfect place, something would pop up that just made it not quite right. It was then that we realised the whole time we'd actually just been trying to tick off things on a long list of characteristics that Jersey had all along.

So on the 12th of June 2024, we hopped back on the ferry and finally made the move back to our little island feeling very grateful that we were able to experience life in different places in the UK and return with the knowledge that Jersey truly is our home and we wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

But us being us, of course we didn't make life easy for ourselves and once again moved into a renovation project, a little garden flat in the middle of St Ouen's Bay. And as if that wasn't enough to keep us busy, we also adopted our second dog Harry, who came into our life as a bit of a surprise but has fitted into our little family so perfectly and we couldn't be happier to have him.

So finally, after some minor set backs with getting everything all set up again, I managed to re-open my virtual doors once again on Monday 5th August and am beyond excited to be back doing my local deliveries and making plans to do more events where I get to meet my lovely customers in person. 

If you're still here and have made it this far, thank you. This turned out to be a lot longer than I planned, but I really wanted to fill you all in on what's been going on over the past few years and I'm just so glad to be back doing what I love, on the island that I love!

If you have any questions or would just like to have a chat, feel free to pop me an email at hello@daniledo.co.uk, I'd love to hear from you.

All the best,

Dani Xx